10 #COWSTAGRAM’s That Will Make Your Day

Rachel CutrerRHD Blog

It’s no secret that we are a little bit obsessed with cattle here at Ranch House Designs, but recently it seems like Instagram has also become cow crazy! Our Instagram feed has been filled with #cowstagram photos lately, and we have to admit – we love it. Check out some of our favorite #cowstagram photos, they are sure to brighten up your day!

1. Holstein calf, or teddy bear?

A photo posted by Chris Castañeda (@ccast_3) on

2. How can you not love this photo? Look at that longhorn, the pasture, that fence, the sky! (Aggies, you’re excused from this one…)

A photo posted by Chris Castañeda (@ccast_3) on

3. What do you think? Does this #MCM stand for #ManCrushMonday or #MooCowMonday?

A photo posted by Dani J (@dansbury) on

4. This girl is ready for her close up!

A photo posted by Ian Wadsworth (@wadawads) on

5. Gorgeous view, made better by cattle.

6. Yes, that calf is in a sweater. And yes, they are matching! #WhyAreDairyCalvesSoPhotogenic?

A photo posted by CREAM (@uvm.cream) on

7. Who can resist Brahman babies? Those ears, that tail!

8. These three are ready to welcome students to the NC State Dairy Farm! Pretty sure working with dairy calves is one of the highlights of being an Animal Science major, they are so sweet!

9. Beautiful Red Brahmans!

A photo posted by Melissa Laurent (@jmjlaurent) on

10. And if all of the above weren’t enough… Check out this adorable photo slideshow of this dairy calf!

A video posted by Carrie Mess (@dairycarrie) on

Love cattle as much as we do? Your business + Ranch House Designs could make the perfect pair!

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