21 Ways to Be Friendly at Stock Shows

Ranch House Designs, Inc.RHD Blog

With stock show season in full swing, it’s a great time to make a new friend at a stock show. Early mornings, tensions about judging and more can add stress to everyone. Why not be a friendly face in the barn and shine a light to brighten someone else’s day!

Here are 21 ways you can be friendly at stock shows.

  1. Let people sit in your chairs if they’re tired.
  2. Tail your neighbors calf to the wash rack.
  3. Keep an eye on your neighbors stalls while they go grab lunch.
  4. Get donuts in the morning and share with those around you.
  5. “Friend” them on social media. 
  6. Comment an encouraging word on your fellow exhibitors social media posts.
  7. Share social media posts from stock show friends businesses.  
  8. Recommend a fellow breeder to a prospective client if you don’t have what the person is looking for.
  9. Help a friend load / unload their heavy tack.  
  10. Go up to the ring to cheer on your friends when they show.
  11. Wish someone good luck as they’re walking to the show ring, even if you don’t know them.
  12. Stay in touch with people after the show to build new friendships.
  13. Give a kid a high five when they’re walking out of the show ring or return to the stalls after showing. 
  14. Offer your neighbor a drink out of your cooler. 
  15. Remind the people in your stalling area when it’s time to go check in papers.
  16. Be friendly to your fellow exhibitors and to the staff working the check in line. 
  17. Compliment someone else’s cattle.
  18. Compliment a young persons’s showmanship skills. Tell them “Great job!” 
  19. Share your snacks.
  20. Sweep both sides of the aisle, not just your half.  
  21. Let someone borrow a flake of hay.

What else can we add? Good attitudes are contagious, and we can all make a difference at the stock shows!