4JB Stock Dogs

Ranch House Designs, Inc.Website Design Features

Edit November 2017: Website is no longer online

4JB Stock Dogs, owned by OB Utley, is located in Fairfield, Texas. The dog of choice at 4JB is the Hangin Tree Cowdog, known as the “ultimate cowboy’s dog.” Hangin Tree cowdogs are bred, raised and trained for real, everyday working situations. These tough and intelligent dogs are used on a daily basis to cut labor expenses and help with ease of cattle handling. If you are looking for a good stock dog prospect for your operation, visit the 4JB Stock Dogs website.

Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 12.00.01 PMABOUT THE DESIGN

In the fall of 2014, RHD worked with OB Utley to design his website. The website has a rustic, western feel with a brown color scheme. It features images of the dogs working cattle and a slideshow Hangin Tree Cowdogs. The website is interactive with pages featuring his males and females and dogs currently for sale. The 4JB logo features the state of Texas, as that’s where he’s located, and the outline of a cattle dog in a clean, easy to read style. To view the full website design, go to 4jbstockdogs.com.


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