The 9 BEST Things About Fall on the Ranch

Ranch House Designs, Inc.RHD Blog

Pumpkin spice everything. Football. Cooler temperatures. Apple cider donuts. Let’s be honest, Fall is the best season by far! However, Fall has much more going for it than just the seasonal tastes and the weather. Fall is also the perfect combination of calving out fall borns, selling spring borns and gearing up for another show season.

Here are 9 reasons why I think Fall on the ranch is without a doubt the best time of year.


1. Your spring borns are starting to look great.

The summer heat can be hard on calves, but cooler temperatures guaranteed by the temperature change make your calves look their best.


2. Fall calving.

At our ranch we calve in both the Fall and Spring. There is no doubt that Fall calving is easier on the calves and cows and is MUCH more enjoyable than those negative temperature spring calving nights.


3. It’s Breathtakingly beautiful.



There is nothing like the warm yet subtle glow of the Fall sun peeking between the trees. The trees, which are now filled with the rich colored leaves make the perfect crunching sound as they fall to the ground. These warm colors make a great backdrop for whatever breed of cattle roam your pastures.


4. Fall livestock sales.

If you wanted to, you could spend the entire months of September and October on the road searching for the next great one. With a sale almost every day in the Fall you are sure to get your fill of new pedigrees and find your next barn favorite.


5. Harvest.

No matter your crop, seeing the fruits of your summer labor during harvest time is one of the best sights. As farmers and ranchers, we know that our hard work will feed this country, our livestock and our family. There is no more fulfilling task than that.


6. Moving home from summer pasture.


You spend an entire week horseback gathering, sorting and shipping calves and cows back to the home place from summer pasture. It’s always exciting to see what new matings worked, what cows outdid themselves and as a result, how calves look at weaning time.


7. Pulling herd bulls.

Spring calving cows are bred and it’s time to bring the bulls home. Taking a hard look at what bulls worked on what group, how they held together and what/how many bulls you need to add to your herd bull battery for next year all happens in the fall.


8. It’s show season again in the barn.

Unlike 5 a.m. mornings rinsing and 10 p.m. kick out times of summer show season, gearing up for fall shows comes without the stress of blistering heat. Fall show season also gives you the perfect mixture of getting your big bred’s ready and also enjoying your new purchases.


9. Family time.

For some, Fall is the busy season. For others, you’ve shipped spring borns and life starts to slow down in the fall. No matter which category you fall into, fall brings families together. Whether it’s spending time together working outside or at family events. Fall is the time families seem to spend the most time together.


Editor’s Note: This article was written by Ashley Fitzsimmons, Ranch House Account Manager and Wyoming turned Oklahoman cattlewoman. 



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