“Anyone and their dog can design a logo….”

Ranch House Designs, Inc.RHD Blog

Well summer is officially over, even though summer has been over for me for a few weeks since we started back to school so early down here in Texas this year. My family enjoyed a good holiday weekend even though it was slightly overshadowed with thoughts and prayers for those in the path of Hurricane Dorian. Hurricane survivors hold a special place in our hearts in this part of Texas since our brush with Harvey a few years back, and we will never be the same after that experience.

This summer, in a popular cattlemen’s facebook group, I saw a post from a young girl who was wanting to get a logo designed for their farm, and her dad told her he didn’t want to spend any money on a logo because “Anyone and their dog can design a logo these days…”

I had to laugh, because back 20 years ago when I started Ranch House, my own dad didn’t quite understand what I did in designing websites, and when people asked him what my job is he didn’t quite know how to reply.

And it’s definitely true, with things like Fiverr and 99 Designs, and lots of DIY design programs available, it is certainly true that there are lots of sources out there to get a very cheap logo.

One of my co-workers at RHD shared that meme a few weeks ago and everyone here got a big laugh out of it.

And just this morning, I got an email from a very good friend who was asking me for advice on where she could get a “cheap logo” designed. Which reminded me of this famous quote. I find it attributed to Gucci, and also to Ben Franklin, and I know it’s also hanging on a sign in the M.L. Leddy’s store in Fort Worth attributed to Mr. Leddy…so I’m not sure exactly who said it, but I believe it:

“The Bitterness of Poor Quality Remains Long After the Sweetness of Low Price is Forgotten.

So pricing to us is somewhat of a double-edged sword here at RHD. For a few reasons.

1. I am a self-taught designer, so I respect those out there trying to get started and offering cheap prices. 

2. I am very price-conscious, because I’m a rancher too and I know lots of times there just isn’t a ton of extra money floating around on ranches once the bills are paid.

However, I also remember a very distinct time at RHD when we shifted from me designing all the logos to Sarah and Kristen designing them…because I wasn’t good enough.

Well, let me back up, I was good enough creatively, but I didn’t know the technical aspects of logo design and illustration like the professional trained artists Sarah and Kristen did.

You see, before I hired two professionally trained, art institute graduates, I was doing all our logo designs in Photoshop. I was a self-taught designer. And they looked great. But….they weren’t exactly right. Because they weren’t setup correctly as vector graphics. And so, sometimes people would ask for a vector file, and I’d have to be like….”Uhhhhh, what’s a vector file?”

It was embarrassing. And it was frustrating to clients, because they thought they hired me, a “professional” to design their logo. And, I was cheap. And then it turns out, their logo worked for some things but not everything, and it was disappointing.

Because of these very reasons, we put together a Free Logo Design Guide at RHD that we share with anyone who’s thinking of trying to do their own logo, or having one designed. It has lots of great tips and questions to ask when deciding which route you want to take.

So today, we try to maintain a great mix of pricing that’s affordable but priced in a way that it allows us to employ full time, salaried, experienced logo designers who are going to deliver a bang-up logo that works in no matter what format you need it. And, to give our clients unique, customized logos that they can’t get anywhere else. Sure, you can get a logo on Fiver, or from a cheap designer, but there’s a good chance it’s going to look like everyone else’s, and you may encounter road blocks in the future when you need to use it in various formats because you don’t have all the formats you need.

So if you’ve been thinking of doing a logo, I encourage you to download the Free Logo Design Guide and then contact us if we can give you a quote. And in the meantime, here are a few news and updates from RHD!

In August, we worked with 534 different clients at RHD through either updating their website or creating new print projects for them! Each month we do a give-a-way where each person who does business with us is entered in the drawing. This month’s winner is Deep South Angus in Alabama. Check them out!

Learn How To Host a Great Online Sale!

We launched a new online course this week just in time to help you rev up your fall online sale!

The course includes:

  • 6 online modules taught by Rachel Cutrer
  • 90 minutes of video training
  • A timeline for promoting your sale.

And more! Learn the marketing strategies used by leading seedstock breeders to hold a great online sale.

For just $129, you’ll get access to the key steps in planning and holding an online sale – PLUS learn how the presenter was able to double their sale average in a 5 years period. This course outline includes:

  • How to know if you’re ready to hold an online sale.
  • Choosing a sale provider, photographer and other key partners
  • Building a timeline for your sale
  • Getting the word out about your sale
  • A print advertising plan for sale promotion
  • A social media marketing plan for sale promotion
  • A email marketing plan for promoting your sale
  • What to expect (and do) on sale day
  • After the sale services and wrap up

As a bonus, you’ll also get access to the special RHD Educational Facebook group (just request to join) AND exclusive service discounts with Ranch House Designs if you want us to help you implement any of these marketing methods.

Recently I also launched a new project that is very personal to me, which is a online Facebook group called “Stock Show Sisters.” It’s a group designed to connect women of all ages who show and to provide inspiration and support. My first project with this group is a 4-week mini-devotional for young ladies on the show circuit, specifically pre-teens and teens. It’s a 4-week email course and if you’d like to sign up, go to http://bit.ly/LiesStockShowGirlsBelieve. There is no fee or cost to join, it is just something I’ve felt called to do and have been working on.

Once again, I hope everyone has a great week going forward! If we can serve you in any way, don’t hesitate to email me.