Coastal Plains Groundwater Conservation District

Ranch House Designs, Inc.Website Design Features

The Coastal Plains Groundwater Conservation District serves Matagorda County in Texas. The mission of the Coastal Plains Groundwater Conservation District’s mission is to manage and protect the groundwater resources of the District. They are committed to maintaining a high-quality, cost effective and reliable source of groundwater and work with local, state and national agencies for improvements in management of groudwater resources.


This website features a bold font and unique colors that really catches your eye! This easy to use, interactive website allows community members to find exactly what they are looking for, whether they are using a laptop, desktop or mobile device. You can find forms, well data and regulatory info easily using the navigation tabs at the top of the page.


Are you looking for a new way to reach people within your area or district? We have been creating websites for clients, like the Coastal Plains Groundwater Conservation District, since 1999. A website is a great way to market your mission and goals to people within your district. To learn more about website design at RHD, visit our website! To get started, fill out our free price quote form. From there, one of our project managers will create a custom quote based on your budget and needs!