Dear First Year Stock Show Mom

Ranch House Designs, Inc.RHD Blog

Written by Rachel Spencer

Dear First Year Stock Show Mom,

DSC_1108I’ve been at this stock show mom thing for several years and I couldn’t help but notice you walk in. I see you have small kiddos and I bet you have crackers crumbs in the bottom of your bag- I did, too. I see you looking around nervously, hoping you’re in the right place and hoping that you filled out the endless stream of papers and entries correctly.

Here’s what you need to know. I see you. I’ve been there. You’ll be fine.

Go ahead and ask for help. Everyone here has been in your shoes, complete with wood shavings rattling around inside them, and will answer your questions and point you in the right direction.

Your kid isn’t the first to go into the ring with blue lips from a Sno Cone. Nor is he the first to forget his shirt, boots, socks, show stick, or lunch money. My kid will lend you any of those things. If your kid is lost, late, or hungry, the older kids will help fix that and more.

kissesIt’s okay to just watch and take it all in. It’s okay to stand at the rail and take that photo. It’s okay to be stressed out and exhausted but know that it’ll be fine. All of the other moms have had pre-fair meltdowns over sunken cakes, light pigs, suddenly wild steers, and record books that never seem to be complete. That calf slobber on your shirt is a badge of honor.

At some point during the show, flop into a chair or onto a bag of shavings and take a deep breath. This first year experience is wild and stressful but you’ll never get it back so enjoy it. Pass the sunscreen, dole out some more concession cash, and know that next year, you’ll be able to sit back and watch the rookie moms and remember when you were there.


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