Dodds Cattle is a third generation cattle operation in the heart of Nebraska. This area is known for its neighbors, who still gather to assist with harvest and help in hard times. In addition to raising Registered Angus cattle, Dodds is a multi-facet operation that consists of everything from feeder to finishing. Furthermore, they are an approved NHTC cattle site and BQA certified. With a consistent quality in proven genetics and more than 40 years of A.I. service, Dodds has gained an invaluable amount of knowledge. Last but not least, like the Dodds brand’s significance to their family, great cows lay the foundation for their entire brand. To learn more, please visit their new website:
The Dodds Cattle website and logo design is incredible! Their website is a great example of our Package A option. Overall, it included 9+ hours of time spent on the website, up to 5 pages, 1 custom designed header image, and 1 interactive contact form. As you can see, the customized website includes everything needed for the operation to succeed in their marketing efforts. Now, visitors can easily access sires, donors, and sale information with the click of a button.
One of our specialties at Ranch House is designing websites. We work with clients from many industries including ranching, farming, oil & gas, construction, real estate, hunting and more. One of our dedicated account representatives will work with you to design a website that fits your unique budget and needs. To get a free website design quote, visit our get started page.