H.W. McElroy Ranch

rhdWebsite Design Features

Located in Yorktown, Texas, H.W. McElroy Ranch specializes in raising fullblood Maine-Anjou cattle. Their Maine-Anjou’s are known for their superior performance, docility, mothering and milk production and exceptional growth and feed conversion. Since the program is based on fullblood Maine-Anjou’s, the predictability of their calves is very strong; due to their lineage and breeding with two fullblood Maine’s, and not being crossbred.


The H.W. McElroy website is an example of our Package B WordPress based option. This website is mobile responsive, meaning it will rank higher in a Google search than those that aren’t. It’s based on a light green and maroon color scheme with the slogan “Get in the Game with a Fullblood Maine” in the header. We added faded playing cards with a barnwood background to support the slogan and the theme of the website. This SEO friendly website package allows up to 15 pages of content and can easily be updated over time if the operation grows or changes. This website has pages for Breed Info, The Sires, Calves, Grass vs Grain, and Contact. View the complete website design at hwmcelroy.com.

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At Ranch House Designs, our team specializes in working with the cattle industry. Having a website for your operation is a must by today’s standards, and we would love to help you build a website to improve your marketing plan. Get started by filling out our free price quote form. From there, one of our project managers will send you a custom website proposal based on your budget, industry and needs. We will talk you through the process, and give you all the information you need to be ready to begin building your new website! For more information on our website packages, view our website design page or contact ashley@ranchhousedesigns.com.