How to Setup A Facebook Business Page

rhdRHD Blog

Many of our customers ask us if we can help them setup their Facebook page. We can help you with that, but what we tell most clients is that they can most likely setup a Facebook page on their own. 

We recommend setting up your own Facebook business page so that you have the full control, and passwords, and can house this marketing asset under your own Facebook account. 

It’s easy! Here is some tips on how to setup a Facebook business page. 

1. You’ll need a Facebook personal account. This is free. Most people already have this, and if so, you can skip to step 2. If not, you simply go to and register for an account, which is completely free. Within a matterof minutes you can join and start participating on this site. 

2. Now you’ll need to setup your Facebook Business page. This is a separate entity than a personal page. Your personal page is for you as a private individual. The business platform is where you will claim your business. Being in the business platform gives you access to tons of great resources like advertising and insights. 

A Facebook Business page is also free to setup. This will be linked to your personal account so you can set the controls and administrative level of access. 

Go to:
Here is the direct link to setup a page:  Create a Page

Now that your page is setup, make it professional.

3. Facebook will walk you through the recommend steps of setting up your page, like uploading a profile picture, filling out a bio section, and uploading a cover photo. If you need assistance in designing professional graphics for this, we can help. 

4. Next, you’ll want to help grow your audience. Facebook will automatically prompt you to invite a few friends to help jumpstart your page. It’s a great idea to invite as many friends as possible to help your page grow. 

5. Keep posting! It’s not enough to just build a page. We recommend making a post or update at least once a week for the best engagement. 

6. Adding other Admins – With a Facebook business, you can have multiple people with admin access on the page. Before adding people as admins on your page, make sure everyone on the same page as far as what type of content you will post, and how frequently. We’ve seen lots of families and businesses’ get into arguments over who’s posting on the Facebook page and what they’re posting. Set some guidelines before giving access willy nilly. 

As always, if you have a question, Facebook has a great FAQ / Help Center that is available at