Wool & Mohair Web Design - Ranch House Design - Independence Wool & Mohair

Independence Wool

Ranch House Designs, Inc.Website Design Features

Independence Wool is a regional mill in South Central Texas. Specifically located in the low rolling hills of Independence, outside of Washington County, lies this operation. Furthermore, Independence Wool is known for producing small-batch, land-based yarn and rovings from Texas grown natural fibers. In fact, their main mission is to showcase the state’s natural fibers long with the sheep and goat industry that make it all possible. Likewise, owners, Paul and Dawn Brown invite everyone to learn more about their story and passion. For more information, please visit: https://independencewool.com/


The Independence Wool website design has to be one of our favorites! At Ranch House, we love helping clients take their marketing dreams to a new level. With a brand new website, Independence Wool can now effectively market their available products. In addition, the website design is sleek, includes call-to-action features, and even a shop button for all things wool. And, the cherry on top has to be the blog page! Blogs are a great way to enhance any website. 


At Ranch House we work with clients involved in many different industries. Including farming, ranching, wildlife and hunting, construction, oil and gas and more. Regardless of the size of your operation, we will work diligently to provide you with a website design strategy that fits your unique needs and budget. Visit our get started page, and receive a free website quote after you fill out the form.