Is your graphic design killing your brand?

Ranch House Designs, Inc.RHD Blog

A few weeks ago we talked about how both Burger King, McDonalds, and BRC got a bit of a new look in 2021. I got tons of emails back from our email list subscribers giving their opinion on all of the brands. I loved that!

Then, last week, that sparked several consultations with clients and prospective clients about their graphic design needs. Several clients had the same overall question – I have a logo, I have a website, I’m doing Facebook, I feel like I have a great product, I’m easy to work with – but I’m not making any sales.

So, then I went to their website / Facebook / etc and looked at their brand, and in all of their cases there was one common connection: Their own graphic design was killing their brand.

What do I mean by that?

Well, you would be suprised, but simple choices like fonts, and colors, can really impact the overall perception of your brand.

And though it pains me to show this example, let’s just take a look at my own brand with different fonts applied.


Just by simply changing the font, my logo goes from elevated and professional – to ranging from anywhere from a Halloween haunted house, a disco, a wedding invitation, and a kids lemonade stand.(My gosh I can’t believe I actually used my own logo in Comic Sans!) Ugh. But, If I truly was using the logo that had the comic sans font — do you really think a bull buyer would take me seriously? Do you really think people would see me as an elevated seedstock breeder? Absolutely not. They would think I’m a joke.I think I’ve illustrated my point. One small thing like selecting a great font can make or break your brand.And I think this is a common thing that a lot of people and businesses struggle with. Perhaps you’ve had your logo for years, and it was done back in 1988 when the only fonts you had available to you were the free ones that came in Print Shop Pro.

Just by simply changing the font, my logo goes from elevated and professional – to ranging from anywhere from a Halloween haunted house, a disco, a wedding invitation, and a kids lemonade stand.

(My gosh I can’t believe I actually used my own logo in Comic Sans!) Ugh. But, If I truly was using the logo that had the comic sans font — do you really think a bull buyer would take me seriously? Do you really think people would see me as an elevated seedstock breeder? Absolutely not. They would think I’m a joke.

I think I’ve illustrated my point. One small thing like selecting a great font can make or break your brand.

And I think this is a common thing that a lot of people and businesses struggle with. Perhaps you’ve had your logo for years, and it was done back in 1988 when the only fonts you had available to you were the free ones that came in Print Shop Pro.

If that’s the case, you probably need a slight logo re-fresh.

Or, let’s say you have a website, maybe you tried it yourself with Wix or SquareSpace, and you haphazardly worked on putting it together in the evenings after a full day of work on your regular job. You know it’s not 100% professional, but you don’t have the time to spend to learn the programs or re-design it. I get that. I talk with people like that every day.

So this morning, I ask you to take a good hard look at your current logo. Your current website.

Does your current graphic design and overall look reflect what you TRULY want your brand to be? Or what you want others to think of your brand?

I’d be more than happy to talk with you to do a free, 15-minute phone consultation about your brand, and how RHD can help. Sign up for a free consultation here.