The true definition of a family farm is rooted in KTM Farms. Kelly T. Miller, a fifth generation farmer
himself, and his family homesteaded near Wahpeton, ND in 1975 and are committed to producing
quality wheat, corn, soybeans and sugar beets. KTM Farm strives to utilize the most optimal
farming practices, including keeping up with the most recent technology and equipment, to enhance
productivity and land preservation.
Is there truly anything cuter than 3 boys in John Deere hats? We certainly don’t think so and the image
truly speaks to the heart and family commitment of KTM Farm. The design focuses around the roots of
the Miller family, the quality crops they offer and career opportunities on the farm. A bold color theme
and font choice brings the farm name to the forefront of the site and then highlights family and farm
pictures. The family also features a blog on their site to keep customers and the public up to date with
happenings on the farm and in the family.
Clients like KTM Farms that are looking to expand both their operation and their marketing efforts find
the vast amount of marketing, design and advertising opportunities available to them through Ranch
House Designs can help fit any need you may have. No matter your website design needs Ranch House
Designs will design a custom site just for you. The first step in the process is to fill out our free website quote request.
These quotes are no obligation, completely free. A member of our website division will
send you a custom website proposal and begin working with you to make your website dreams a reality!