Was it because it was right after Houston and OYE? Or was it God’s perfect timing? I think the second. A day after both of these large youth livestock shows finished up, this simple yet profound Facebook post by Brandon Callis got the stock show world going.
In a matter of hours, the post had went viral with hundreds of shares and comments. And, so I asked Brandon if we could share it here, to make it where it’s easily searchable as “Brandon Callis Facebook Post” for people to read time and time again.
Here are his excellent words, which we’ve given the headline of “Let God Lead the Way!”
Originally posted by Brandon Callis, March 20, 2022 at 9:00 p.m.
As I look back I try to keep things in perspective.
As a child of God and a lover of Jesus I am reminded of two of the 10 commandments:
Though shall not covet ( Exodus 20:17) and though shall not have any other idol or God before me ( Exodus 10: 3-5).
In our journey to win a stock show we come to times where things didn’t go as we planned. It’s easy to find and feel jealous or envious. We covet the prize or blessing that God showered on others this time. Which causes us to forget just how good we have it. Also in our chase we have to be careful not to blurr or cross the lines of moral correctness in order to win gold.
We ( I’m first in line) have a tendency to idolize this industry and put it before God. Yes, we often open up ceremonies with a prayer and a pledge but along the road to get to the finish line we push too far. We cross the line and do things that reveal our character.
Winning is an awesome feeling, but winning in a way that is honorable to God is the standard! What we learned in the year 2020 is that the Lord gives and he takes away.
Let’s clean up what needs to be cleaned up and up lift the things that need up lifting. It’s not easy to do things the right way all the time. Just like it’s hard to be truthful with ourselves but if we want this ship we call stock shows to keep floating up right and straight we must keep patching the holes and making better for the next generation.
I challenge exhibitors to have a classy, impactful, and challenging conversations with your stock show officials wether it be by email or face to face. It must be professional and classy to be effective.
I challenge stock show officials to reach out to all levels of exhibitors to gain a true pulse of how your show succeeds and how it fails. We are in a time of emotional high stakes speech, out of control rumors, and crazy banter. Let’s start listening to each other and asking the big questions!
My big question for all is what do you want this to look like in the next 10 years! Let God lead the way. Have a blessed night!