Towards the end of 2020, I was honestly feeling burnt out with my own advertising for my ranch at BRC. And I shared privately with one of my friends that I was going to just totally do something new and different for our ad on the back cover of The Brahman Journal – just to change things up and get me out of the “funk” of 2020.

And honestly I got so much positive feedback from this just complete change up. My phone was blowing up with “your ad is so cool!” or “I love the new ad” – and so I think a lot of people were in “the great funk of 2020.” People liked seeing something completely new.
And I recently realized that it wasn’t just me who was into a new look for 2021. Ironically BOTH McDonalds and Burger King did a new look for their packaging in 2021 – see below:

Now as a marketing professional this really caught my attention for several reasons.
- I’m a big believer in “the law of duality” – meaning that in every category, people immediately think of their TWO favorite brands – not just one brand. I.e. Burger King / McDonalds; Lowes / Home Depot; Dominos / Pizza Hut.
- And then once people think of their two favorite brands, lots of factors come into play as far as the brand they actually chose to purchase from, like price, location, ease of doing business, etc.
So since McD’s and Burger King are each other’s biggest competitors. I was really interested in this.
And while I’m a McDonald’s girl, the new look for Burger King is actually winning in consumer preferences based on the new designs. According to an Ad Age-Harris Poll survey conducted this month, 54% of respondents prefer Burger King’s packaging, compared to 46% who like McDonalds.
People are saying that Burger King’s new look made the food look more appetizing. And honestly, now that we just got a new Burger King in Wharton, writing this email is going to make me go eat there for lunch.
I say this all the time, but marketing agricultural products is just the same as marketing any major global brand, just like McD’s or Burger King. Your first impression makes a HUGE difference. Your overall vibe makes a huge difference.
I used to always remind customers that while lots of ranchers or ag businesses don’t have a “store front” – we still have packaging. Our packaging is our ranch front gate. Our freshly mowed pastures. What shape our cattle are in. How clean our stalls are kept at the shows, etc. That’s all part of your look.
Since a lot of people are staying more local now-days, your website is a major driver in the public perception of your business.
So, do a quick check up on your website:
- Is it mobile friendly? (Meaning it’s a WordPress site and not html)
- When’s the last time you updated it?
- How fresh or modern is your website design? What’s the first impression people get when they pull yours up. If your website was designed 10 years ago, you need a new look, pronto.
If your website isn’t passing the test, I invite you to setup a call with me, and let’s talk. Most of our website designs are from $1000 to $3000 depending on the project. It’s an investment that lasts.
Just like fences need straightening, barns need re-painting, and yes, we all have to pickup trash from the ditches in front of our property even though it’s annoying – your marketing needs a re-fresh sometimes too. Take it from me, it’s amazing how just a new look, or slightly different look with just a few new pictures and new text can really draw attention to your business.
As always, if Ranch House can help you with a new logo, a new website, or upgrading your current website, I want to talk to you! Talking to prospective customers is my favorite part of my job at RHD. We offer free, no obligation 15-minute consultations for anyone thinking of working with us to design a new logo or website. Schedule a call here, or visit our website to learn more about what we can do.