New Website: MM Ranch Polled Herefords

Ranch House Designs, Inc.Website Design Features

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MM Ranch was founded in 1964 with just six registered polled hereford females and one bull. As time passed the herd expanded to the 1200 registered females it includes today! Dedicated to performance testing and beef cattle improvement, the Mih family decided to promote their elite genetics with a brand new website from Ranch House Designs!



This custom WordPress website has a unique layout with a lefthand menu that allows for big pictures to highlight the cattle and ranch. Each custom slider on the home page includes an outline of the state of Kansas to immediately tell the site visitor where MM Ranch calls home. The eight page menu allows for the Mih family to showcase their detailed breeding program, performance data and any cattle for sale. This new website will help MM Ranch market their cattle successfully in an increasingly digital world. To see the new website visit



At Ranch House Designs, website design is our speciality! Having a website for your ranch is a must by today’s standards and our team would love to help you build a 100% custom design website to improve your marketing plan. To get started, fill out our free price quote form. After that, one of our experienced project managers will send you a custom website proposal based on your industry, budget and needs. We will help you through the process and give you all the information you need to be ready to begin building your new website. For more information on our website packages, view our website design page or contact