My terrible poster design for Annie’s Pre-School

rhdRHD Blog

by Rachel Cutrer

WHY do I have to turn everything into a competition?

I ask myself that quite often. Why can’t I just be happy with putting forth a good effort and not trying to be the best at everything.

Well, this time it’s caught up with me, and I lost.

You’re wondering what in the heck I’m talking about, aren’t you? Okay, so here is what happened. My youngest daughter – Annie – who is 3 years old and in preschool – was given an assignment to make an “All About Me” poster. Like what 3 year old can do this? Obviously it is the parents making the design.

Well, in the midst of planning our Brahman sale, I totally forgot about this All About Me poster until the absolute last minute. Like, I remembered it at 7:00 p.m. on the night before it was due.

So…..I frantically drove to the Dollar Store, got a posterboard, and enlisted the help of Mollie (big sister) to help me make this poster. And here is how it turned out…..

Alright, not my best work, I’ll give you that. But, the poster assignment was done, and ready to turn into class the next day.

So as me and Annie walked into her preschool the next morning, my face immediately fell as I started seeing all the other kids “All About Me” posters. Like they were professionally done! These were like remarkable masterpieces straight off every perfect Mom’s Pinterest board.

Then I got mad at myself.

Me of ALL PEOPLE should have been able to make this exquisite, elaborately designed poster for my precious baby child. I’m a graphic designer. I’ve won national design awards. My daughter should have had the best “All About Me” poster in the history of that school. I had let her down.

One of the posters especially caught my eye, one of my best friends son’s poster. It was awesome. It was the perfect “All About Me” poster. And here it is….

I texted Kerri Jo (Korey Joe’s mom), who is also a working mom, full time teacher, mom of two boys, and a ranch wife, and said “Gee thanks for showing everyone up on the All About Me Posters!! How did you have time to do that!!!”

And she immediately texted me back with:


Now this made sense.

Kaci is her sister, and Kaci is also an art teacher. Kaci is probably one of the most crafty people I know. Most definitely one of the craftiest crafters in the county.

So where Kerri Jo had me beat is — she knew when to bring in a professional. She knew her time limits, and maybe her craft limits, and knew when to get help from someone who’s an expert in that area.

And we see that happening a lot with our clients at Ranch House.

Sure, you could probably maintain your ranch’s Facebook page yourself. But, when you have 13,000 other things going on, sometimes remembering to post on Facebook is the last thing on your mind.

Or, you might even be somewhat of a graphic designer yourself, and if you had enough time, you could learn to build a website using some free software.

But, honestly, who has the time?

I’m a professional graphic designer, and I didn’t even have the time for my darling daughter’s poster. I needed to enlist the help of a professional.

Do you feel like you might be in the same boat with your ranch or business marketing? Let us jump in and help you!!! Let’s talk! Step one in working with Ranch House is to schedule a no obligation, marketing consult call with Ashley Grant here: