New Website: 2XL Cattle Company

Ranch House Designs, Inc.Website Design Features

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2XL Cattle Company is a family-owned Angus seedstock and grass finishing operation located in the rolling hills of southern Iowa. The herd began with 20 commercial cows to be utilized as embryo recipients. The purchase of the first registered Angus embryo donors hooked the family on developing elite Angus genetics. Since that time, the herd has expanded rapidly with the purchase of elite donors from multiple herds across the Midwest. Today, 2XL Cattle Company has approximately 120 cow/calf pairs in spring and fall herds with nearly 75% of those being registered Angus cattle. In order to share their story and market their great Angus genetics, the family turned to Ranch House Designs for a new website. 


This simple design is complemented by custom sliders and wood accents. A WordPress site, it is mobile responsive and allows a great experience for visitors who will use the website on a phone or iPad. The menu is user-friendly and allows 2XL Cattle Company to tell the unique story of their family operation and beef. Check out their new website at



At Ranch House Designs, we love helping ranches like 2XL Cattle Company tell their unique story through a custom designed website. Having a website for your cattle operation is a must by today’s standards, and our team would love to help you build a website to improve your marketing plan. To get started today, fill our our free price quote form. From there, one of our project managers will send you a custom website proposal based on your budget, industry and needs. We will talk you through the process, and give you all the information you need to be ready to begin building your new website! For more information on our website packages, view our website design page or contact