Located in Hixton, Wisconsin, Laufenberg Show Cattle is producing show calves and breeding females that are functional and competitive. Their substantial AI and embryo programs bring a group of calves thatturn heads every year. Be sure to check out their upcoming club calf sale on September 18, 2016, to find your next champion.
Various shades of blue can be found throughout the website. The four navigation tabs allow viewers to easily navigate through Laufenberg Show Cattle’s new website. Information can be found on their donors, sale cattle and previous winners. This website allows the cattle to do the talking. Photos of donors, sale cattle and previous winners will be available on the site. The classic and simplistic design makes this website makes finding information easy and quick. Visit their new website today!
Ranch House Designs understands the importance of a mobile-friendly website for your farm or ranch. We love working with club calf producers, like Laufenberg Show Cattle, to help achieve their marketing goals. If you are interested in creating a new website for your operation, fill out our free price quote form today! From there, one of our project managers will create a custom quote based on your needs and budget. To learn more about website design at RHD, visit our website or email ashley@ranchhousedesigns.com!