New Website: Peckenpaugh Angus

Ranch House Designs, Inc.Website Design Features


The purebred cattle business is nothing new to the Peckenpaugh family. Since 1936, the Peckenpaugh family has raised purebred Hereford cattle. In 1997, they began raising purebred Angus cattle and have been at it ever since. Besides their Angus operation, the Peckenpaugh family also farms and has a large number of commercial cattle. They select heavily based on structural correctness, maternal characteristics and good disposition. Visit their new website to learn more!

This simple website allows the mission of Peckenpaugh Ranch to speak for itself. Information about sires, their sales and contact information can easily be found using the four navigation tabs. A Facebook button at the top of the website allows visitors to easily find Peckenpaugh Ranch’s Facebook page. Photos are spread throughout the website to see what life on the ranch is like.


A website is an important part of any Angus operation’s marketing plan. Our team at Ranch House Designs specializes in website design and is here to help you create a website to showcase your operation. To get started, fill out our free price quote today. From there, one of our project managers will create a custom quote based off of your needs and budget. To learn more about website design at RHD, visit our website or email!