It’s that time of year… when the elves come out to play! Yesterday we asked what your elf on the shelf was up to, and you shared with us some ranch elves that were definitely not just sitting on shelves! Here are some elves who are having a great time with their agriculture families!
1. A rancher’s work is never done! This elf knows that taking care of cattle is a full time job. He was up all night tending to this cow!

photo courtesy of Burke Friend
2. Taking a ride on a big green tractor. Looks like the elf at the Wehmeyer home took a little midnight joy ride!

photo courtesy of Nate Jill Wehmeyer
3. Did you know that elves love milk just as much as Santa does? The Butler Family’s elf, Ernie, likes to drink milk with the cats in the dairy barn.

photo courtesy of John Butler
4. Making toys is not the only thing elves are good at. Elves have nimble hands and pay extreme attention to detail, so your toy is made perfectly… These skills are also helpful when clipping cattle!

photo courtesy of Christina Straub
5. Yes, they do have rodeos at the North Pole. Looks like Elfie, the Canup’s elf, has the potential to be an NPR (North Pole Rodeo) barrel racing champion! And let’s not forget the Davis Family’s elf, who is brushing up on his roping skills!

photo courtesy of Samantha Canup

photo courtesy of Lindsay Hare Davis
6. Always there to give a helping hand! Jingle, the Keisewetter Family’s elf, fed the cows for them.

photo courtesy of Christi Keiswetter
7. Looking for this? The Berenda Family’s elf, Stella, tagged along to a show and decided to be the official show box assistant. She did a great job!

photo courtesy of Amanda Vencel Berenda
8. Barnyard book club. The Stone Family’s elf held story time with all of his new friends!

photo courtesy of Kenzi Stone
9. Sticky situation… The Whitley’s elf and his new best friend are so inseparable you could say they are “stuck like glue” – or stickers in this case.

photo courtesy of Patricia Kay Whitley
10. Elves are always watching! One good thing about elves being nocturnal is that they can stay up all night to help watch your cattle, while you get some rest.

photo courtesy of Amanda Vencel Berenda
11. Your elf on the shelf may be full of mischief, but one thing is for sure, you will love them till the cows come home… or until they round them up for you!

photo courtesy of Terah Klein Devine