S-CO Shorthorns

Ranch House Designs, Inc.Website Design Features

S-CO Shorthorns


Hastings, Minnesota is home to the high quality red, white and roan females of S-Co Shorthorns.  Originally founded in the early 1900’s by Walter Swanson and family, S-Co Shorthorns has continued to change, grow and improve upon their solid foundation.  The goal at S-Co Shorthorn Farms is to produce national-level quality at affordable local prices.  The farm’s emphasis on producing functional, sound cattle that will compete in the show ring and in the pasture has allowed S-Co to market all across the United States and Canada.


Nothing is more traditional to the Shorthorn breed then the plaid, burgundy and hunter green.  These colors and patterns serve as the backdrop for S-Co Shorthorns.  An operation focused on tradition, quality and letting the cattle speak for themselves found a perfect fit with the website designed by Ranch House Designs.  As the operation has continued to grow and expand so did S-Co’s marketing needs.  Ranch House Designs was able to offer just what they were looking for in terms of increased marketing and brand recognition to fit all of their needs.


Ranch House Designs is lucky to work with hundreds of Shorthorn breeders all across the country.  No matter your location, operation size, or marketing needs Ranch House Designs has a comprehensive package to help fit all of your operation’s needs.  To get started on your one of a kind marketing plan and website please fill out a free website quote request.  A member of our website division will send you a custom website proposal and help start the wheels in motion to design a great custom website for your Shorthorn operation!