St. Mark’s is a 130-year-plus Lutheran congregation located in Cuero, Texas. They provide a nurturing, hospitable place for strengthening community, family and friendship ties through Christian service, worship, education and fellowship. The ministries provided by St. Mark’s include youth, life-long Christian education, service and outreach, woman of ECLA, men in mission and choir and handbells. Services take place on both Saturdays and Sundays.
About the St. Mark’s Website Design
This stellar design features sleek fonts and vibrant colors that draw the viewer in. This website is packed with information about the church and the ministries they provide. Visitors have access to St. Mark’s newsletter featured in the sixth tab on the navigation bar. Anyone looking to attend vacation bible school can view, download or print the registration form straight from the website.
Need a Website for Your Church?
Ranch House Designs specializes in building websites for many different clients. Ranch House’s clientele includes farms, ranches, agribusiness, western retail stores and many more. By using the latest and greatest technologies, Ranch House provides websites to their clients that are both professional and user-friendly. Do you need a website? Fill out our free price quote form and begin working with a Ranch House representative.