Plans give you hope for the future…
As the holidays approach, I’m feeling a mix of happiness, joy, and gratitude. BUT, I’m not gonna lie, I’m also feeling a little bit overwhelmed, anxious, and all-out-craziness, as I think of all the things I have to do between now, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the start of show season in 2017. If you’re a stock show mom, or a farm or ranch wife, chances are YOU are feeling a bit of this temporary loss of insanity right now too.
I recently saw a quote that said “Plans give you hope for the future,” and it inspired me to think of the plans I have over the holidays, and how actually all of the things I am slightly freaking out about, can actually be something to be hopeful for, and thankful for.
Planning for holiday meals gives me hope of spending time with my family.
In all of our busy schedules, it’s hard to just get time to sit down together and visit. I’m hopeful Christmas will be that.
I’m thankful to be one of America’s farmers and ranchers who produce safe and delicious food for my own family and others.
I’m thankful to live in a country where we have the freedom to celebrate as we wish. And hopeful for the countries future.
I’m thankful for a warm home and a roof over my head.
Planning for winter on the ranch gives me hope of what’s to come for our ranch and family.
It also makes me thankful that I am so lucky to just get the opportunity to live and work on a ranch.
Hopeful to see the joys of the coming calf crop in January.
Hopeful for the excitement I hear in my husband’s voice when he says things like “you gotta see this calf that was born today!”
Thankful we are healthy and able to put in an honest day’s work. Hopeful for the new ideas we will have this year.
Thankful we have fresh grass, good hay and clean water. Many ranchers in other countries do not.
Thankful for a new year, and hopeful for new opportunities.
Planning for presents to select and buy, I realize many in the world do not have this luxury. I am thankful for a job and the ability to earn income to be able to give presents. Hopeful to bring joy to my friends and family.
Thankful again, for living in a country where we can celebrate the birth of Jesus. Hopeful that during the holidays, others will realize the importance of faith and how it can change their life.
Thankful for friends, many of whom have been made in this wonderful livestock industry. Hopeful to see my old friends, and make some new ones at the upcoming shows.
Thankful I get to mail Christmas cards to friends in nearly every state of the USA…all made in the cattle business. Hopeful as I can’t wait to get cards from friends and see their pictures and hear their good news of the past year.
Planning of how to manage getting all of our Denver, Fort Worth, and Houston projects done on deadline makes me thankful for the great clients who trust us to do their all-important marketing projects. And hopeful of the exciting things we’ll get to be part of this year.
Thankful for a great team I work with. Thankful for a job. Hopeful to expand my career in the coming year.
Thankful for the opportunity to meet thousands of amazing ag producers. Hopeful to see the progress and success of their operations.
Thankful for the creativity to do a job I love. Hopeful to come up with a big new idea for the coming year and see it in action for our clients.
Thankful for the opportunity to help market some of the best cattle in the USA. Hopeful that the cattle market will improve.
Planning like crazy to have to book hotel rooms, organize schedules, make travel plans, I realize I should be thankful just to get a chance to go to places like Denver, Louisville, Fort Worth and Houston and attend the shows in person. A lot of people just watch them online, and WISH they could be there.
So to all you stock show husbands, farm and ranch dads, grandpas, and friends…if you wonder why the stock show mom in your life is going slightly crazy during this time of year, maybe this helps explains it. Just realize, we love what we’re doing. We love our jobs, we love our commitment to our families, farms and ranches, and businesses. Sometimes, however, we do just need a warm cup of hot chocolate and someone to tell us….it’s all going to be okay….you’re not going crazy. You just have a LOT to be HOPEFUL FOR!!!
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