Stock Show Moms: Which One Are You?

Stock Show Moms: Which One Are You?

Ranch House Designs, Inc.RHD Blog

The Serious Stock Show Mom:
Hi, I’m the serious stock show mom. I drive a truck and trailer. I get up at dawn to feed, wash, and water the animals. I know the perfect diet, timing for extra hay, and water to give our show ring advantage. I make beds, set up tie outs, and clean pens. I can see the strengths and faults of every animal in the barn and understand what the judge is talking about.

I see you up there in the stands, trendy stock show mom. Your hair, makeup, and nails are perfect, and you wear matching outfits with your show mom friends. You have a perfect tan, sit together, drink from Stanley cups, laugh, and smile, with your only care today being when your kid will walk in the ring.

No, I’m not like you. I don’t know or understand you. But know this: if your kid ever needs showmanship tips, or you need to borrow some hay, I’m always here for you. I’ll always cheer for you and your kids. We are stock show moms.

The Trendy Stock Show Mom:
Hi, I’m the trendy stock show mom. I drive a luxurious SUV. I stay at the hotel until it’s almost show time. I plan fun activities in town like shopping, bowling, or dining out while at the show. My hair is fixed, my nails are done, and my kids’ outfits are on point. I have a group of 3 or 4 other trendy show mom friends, and we can’t wait to find a cool spot at the ring and visit all day.

I see you down there in the makeup ring, traditional stock show mom. You’ve done this for 40 years, even as a kid. You’re holding your kid’s calf and giving last-minute pointers. You grab a bucket of stock show equipment and do the final spray, comb, and brush routine. Your kids always place at the top, and your cattle always look great.

No, I’m not like you. I don’t know or understand you. But just know, if your kid ever wants a snack from my cooler or your daughter wants her hair braided before she goes in the ring, I’m always here. I’ll always cheer for you and your kids. We are stock show moms.