We love getting to work with clients across the country and it was so awesome to design the new website for Teixeira Cattle Company. The family-owned, purebred Angus operation runs ranches on the Central California Coast and in Central Oregon, two beautiful locations where the cows also get a great view from the pasture. Teixeira holds high standards for the cows in its herd and each cow must be in top health and have excellent reproductive qualities. It must be true that happy cows live in California because Teixeira beef is top quality, delicious beef. You can check out the beef products for sale and order from the online store. From ranch to table, Teixeira beef is natural, vegetarian fed and hormone free.
The Teixeira website was designed with the beauty of the ranch in mind. Large photos anchor the top of the website and a simple, earthy color palette ties the logo and images together. The design is all about a clean, classic and inviting feel. Interactive buttons add a nice lively touch to the website. And a clear, call-to-action button on the front page invites visitors to join the Teixeira mailing list, an important tool for helping businesses grow and reach new customers. An online store for Teixeira beef products is also integrated into the website.
We work with a diverse, widespread group of farms and ranches to create their unique websites. In fact, about 60 percent of our client base is involved in agriculture. Get started on a website for your operation and grow your business today! Visit our website to learn more about the web design options we offer. Ready to get a free project quote? Fill out our get started form and you’ll hear from a staff member within one business day.