Copyright Infringement
Ranch House Designs, Inc.®: Ranch House Designs, Inc.® is a registered trademark. Any third-party use of this mark must be licensed by Ranch House Designs, Inc.® through a written agreement. Ranch House Designs, Inc.®, Ranch House Invitations, and The American Brahman Review® are a subsidiaries of Rachel Ann Williams, LLC.
Copying artwork is piracy: Our work at Ranch House Designs, Inc.® is created from scratch, and takes many many hours of researching, designing, and creating for our clients. Our clients hire us because they respect the time, commitment, and creativity that we put into all of our projects. If you admire our work, thanks! If you copy our work, we do not tolerate it, and will immediately and without hesitation pursue appropriate legal action.
Legal Action will be pursued: We pursue the fullest legal action to those who copy our work and therefore violate our rights. In fact, we have several legal action items in progress right now to those who have copied our work. So, to those of you who copy our web sites, ads, and creative concepts, be prepared to be responsible for your actions and receive a notice of Copyright Infringement from a Ranch House Designs, Inc.® legal representative.
Copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and can result in 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Please protect yourself and others by not sharing. Some say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but the FBI says it is illegal.
Report piracy to us: If you have witnessed or suspect a case of piracy, please report it to us immediately. There are certain individuals and firms that we are actively pursuing copyright infringement cases against. We pay rewards for information leading to their identity and prosecution. If you know of someone who has copied or is currently copying our work, or you have seen an advertisement in a recent publication that is a copy of our work, please report it by calling our office at 979-532-9141 or e-mailing Any tips we receive will be kept in extreme confidence.
Web Site Terms Of Use
Legal Disclaimer: By using and accessing the web site of Ranch House Designs, Inc.® (RHD, Inc.,, or any web site hosted by Ranch House Designs®, you imply your consent to these terms and conditions of use. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of our web site at any time.
Warranty: The content of this web site and all web sites hosted by RHD is provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.
External Links: We do not imply any endorsement or affiliation with external links outside of RHD hosted sites. RHD, Inc. cannot control or address any concerns regarding to the service or resources provided on any external link. Any concerns regarding external links should be directed to that particular outside service or resource.
Copyright/Site Contents/License Use: All materials, including images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, text, pricing structure, terminology, and all written and other materials that appear as part of this site and all sites hosted by RHD are copyrights, trademarks, trade dress and intellectual properties owned by RHD, Inc. Our clients purchase a license to use this copyright. This site, and all web sites hosted by RHD as a whole are protected by copyright and trade dress. All worldwide rights, titles, and interests in this web site are owned by RHD, Inc. Cases of copyright infringement are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The content of RHD, Inc.’s web site or any web site hosted by RHD may not be copied or distributed, in whole or in part, without express written consent from RHD, Inc. This includes pricing structure and terminology, staff biographies, and company information.
You may not reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, creative derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of, or exploit in any way, in whole or part, any of the contents of this site or any web site hosted by RHD, Inc. This includes but not limited to copying artwork concepts, coyping text, copying headlines, and making screen shots of web sites for any use whatsoever (educational or commercial).
Indemnification: You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Ranch House Designs harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising from or relating to using this web site and all web sites hosted by RHD, Inc.
Inaccuracy Discalimer: From time to time there may be information on this web site and web sites hosted by RHD that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update our information at anytime without prior notice.
Our Communications to You: By submitting any information requests through this web site or any web site hosted by RHD, you agree that we may send electronic mail to you from time to time for the purpose of advising you of changes or additions to our site or clients’ sites, about any of our products, services, or for other purposes as RHD deems appropriate.

Contact RHD
Wharton, Texas 77488
Office: (979)-532-9141
Fax: (979) 532-9977