You never know until you ask….

Ranch House Designs, Inc.RHD Blog

In June, I helped host a big party for our ranch to celebrate our 75th Anniversary of V8 Ranch. It was an amazing event that many of our team had been working on for months and months. But, to me, one of the highlights was this Brahman bull ice sculpture that we had on display in the cocktail area….

So, please keep in mind…I’m country. But whenever I think of the most possible fanciest accent to any type of event – an ice sculpture comes to mind. (Some of you are probably laughing at this but hey, I’m easily impressed by ice sculptures.)

So for this event, I thought it would be super cool to have an ice sculpture of a Brahman bull. I’d been thinking this for a year. But every time I thought about it, I would tell myself some excuse why NOT to do it…

  • It’ll be too expensive….
  • Nobody could really make a Brahman bull into an ice sculpture….
  • How would I keep it frozen….


Then about 2 weeks before the event, I broke down and did it. I googled “Houston Ice Sculpture” and contacted someone. The very first person I spoke with said they could totally do it! The price was in my budget, they assured me they could sculpt a bull, and they would even deliver it to my party.

So….I said YES!

And to my delight – when the ice sculpture arrived, it was AMAZING!!! It turned out to be one of the focal points of the night, and everyone wanted their picture with it. Several kids (and a few adults) were spotted taking pictures of themselves sticking their tongue on the ice sculpture for fun. HA!

My marketing point of this story is – YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU ASK!

Maybe you have a “wild idea” that you’d like to bring into your marketing. Maybe you have this vision in your head but for whatever reason, like me, you’ve put it off.

Just make that call! My team here at RHD can help you with whatever your big idea is! That’s what we do! Summer is a great time to tackle your big marketing ideas and have them in place for the fall.

Here are a few common ideas people have that can boost their marketing, and we can help you with ALL of these!

  • A new website
  • Updating your current website with a fresh look
  • A really awesome brochure to hand out to prospective customers
  • Keeping up with your facebook page for you
  • Designing a new logo or giving your current logo a fresh look
  • Growing your mailing list
  • And much more!

I’d also love to show you some of our recent projects we’ve done this week at Ranch House…

Mercy Lane Angus Banner
Watson Ranch Logo

The Ranch House team will be at several ag events this summer from Junior Nationals to Trade Shows! Give us a call at 979-532-9141 to speak with a sales representative to bring your project to life! Or just shoot me an email!