Show Cattle Web Design - Ranch House Designs - Grimmel Girls Show Cattle

Grimmel Girls Show Cattle

Kerbe FordWebsite Design Features

Grimmel Girls Show Cattle traces its roots back to 1991, when a Hereford heifer named “Rosebud” was purchased from a family friend as a 4-H project for 8-year-old Kristen Grimmel. Kristen’s love for Rosebud blossomed into a passion that all five Grimmel Girls share to this day. Because Dad was always busy with the large grain-farming operation and “city girl” Mom not knowing the ropes, we learned very early on how to do things on our own… breaking calves, preparing them for shows, and even taking ourselves to shows. Grimmel Girls Show Cattle is proud to offer some of the best genetics in the Hereford breed. Genetics offering proven pedigrees and outstanding phenotype to improve your herd. To learn more about Grimmel Girls Show Cattle, please visit their new website:


Grimmel Girls Show Cattle website is as exciting as it is inspiring. The overall look and feel is fun and original. The authentic layout adds dimension to the site, while large photos brighten the overall look. The website is extremely easy to navigate and is mobile-friendly. Call-to-action buttons allow you to access sales, sires, donors and champions with the click of a button! Interested in following Grimmel Girls Show Cattle on social media? A link to their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page is included conveniently in the navigation bar!


At Ranch House, we know and understand the cattle industry. After all, many of our team members own and operate ranches of their own. When you design a website with Ranch House, you work with a team that knows and understands your business. One of our talented account managers will help you develop a strategy that fits your specific needs and budget. Visit our get started page to receive a free price quote.