RHD Livestock Advertising Ethics Policy

As leaders in the livestock advertising industry, Ranch House Designs has created and firmly adheres to these unwavering principles of high ethical standards in livestock advertising. 

We have adopted this set of ethics standards and welcome others to use this same code of ethics in their own programs.

  1. Livestock advertising clients will maintain the highest level of truth, accuracy and ethics in all advertising, public relations, marketing, news, editorial writing, social media, videos, and websites created. This includes birthdates, performance data, pedigrees, genetic defect status, show ring accomplishments, EPDs and EPD publication dates and any other details that may impact consumer decision making.. 
  2. Ranch House Designs, Inc. exercises only ethical livestock photo retouching, and will never alter the physical conformation of any animal represented in a photograph. 
  3. Ranch House Designs clients exercise extra care when creating advertising materials that may be viewed by children or young adults, including using discretion based on the product, animal name, and any implications related to alcohol, prescription drugs, or guns.
  4. Ranch House Designs clients respect and maintain consumers’ personal privacy regarding their preferences to receive selected marketing, news, email blasts, and advertising. We comply with all anti-spam regulations and require opt-in confirmation for all email lists.
  5. Ranch House Designs accurately represents the circulation of printed media subscriptions, electronic media subscriber counts, and social media followers.
  6. In the event of a potential ethical concern, Ranch House Designs will privately discuss any ethical concerns with clients during the creation of advertising, designs, websites, or content in all efforts to resolve ethical dilemmas according to the highest ethical standards.
  7. Ranch House Designs clients strive for accuracy of all materials published, whether it be online, through social media, or in printed materials. Personal opinions in editorial writing will be labeled as such, and any errors of significance will be corrected when called to attention.
  8. Ranch House Designs clients follow federal, state, and local advertising laws and cooperates with industry self-regulatory programs for advertising practices, including but not limited to the U.S.D.A., U.S. Patent and Trademark office, Federal Trade Commission, Food & Drug Administration, CAN-SPAM Act and National Advertising Review Council. 
  9. Ranch House Designs members respect the intellectual property of all photographers and fellow industry design colleagues and abide by all copyright laws.