Showmanship Questions Study Guide

Ranch House Designs, Inc.RHD Blog

Let’s face it, we know preparing for showmanship questions can be intimidating. Especially if it’s your first time. Which is why we’ve complied a list of common showmanship questions to help you prepare for your next show. Each category is broken down by species. Feel free to share with your fellow showmen!

– What’s something you’d change about your animal?
– Age/Weight/Breed
– Where’s (insert body part) located on your animal?
– Anything about yourself. What grade you’re in, where/if you’re going to college, what major you are doing, etc.
– What is the pedigree of your animal?
– Questions regarding ear tag
– If you show a red cow, they might ask you about what you think about the color history, especially if its something like Simmental or Red Angus.

– Age/Weight/Breed
– Parts
– Diseases
– ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) rabbit classifications/body types
– Breed specifics
– What breeds are classified as cylindrical? It’s Himalayan and they’re the only one!
– Personal stuff
– What is the difference between a 4 class rabbit and a 6 class rabbit?
– Can you name the different carcass components of the market rabbit?
– What breed is X across the table?
– Name 3 things rabbits are used for in a a commercial or agricultural setting.

– How many days a year do they milk?
– What are the offspring called?
– What is marbling?
– Name some cuts of meat
– A big one that caught a lot of kids at the local show was “how by looking at your animal can you tell the age?” The answer is look at the teeth. The championship round had to be able to explain the changes in the animals teeth from birth to old age. We also had to know how to show the teeth of our animal.

– Name 5 different types of combs
– The judge may ask you to tell him/her different approved varieties found in your birds breed
– Name 3 disqualifying faults in your birds breed

-Name 4 conformational faults found in your horses breed.
– Tell me one thing you struggled with showing and how you were able to solve/ overcome it.
– Name 3 common genetic diseases found in your horses breed.
– Name 4 colors acceptable in your horses breed
– How many shin bones does a horse have?

– What do you call goat meat?
– Why did you choose this goat to show?
– Switching goats in the class and posing one that is not your breed.
– Answering questions about someone else’s animal usually opposite of yours.
– If you show market/Boer being asked dairy questions.
– Proper udder attachments/ teat structure.
– What do you plan on doing with your pet after the fair?

– Where cuts of meat are located at on your animal
– Dare of birth if its breeding stock
– Weight of your animal

– What breed are you showing?
– Name 5 other breeds
– How much does your pig weigh?
– How many barrows are born each year?

General questions for all breeds:
– What breed is your animal?
– Where did that breed originate?
– Birthdate?
– What is something you like about this animal?
– What can you change about this animal?
– Where is the (insert body part here) located?
– What is it fed?
– What is your exhibitor number?
– What kind of feed does your animal get? How much? And what is included in your feed (amount of protein, fat, fiber, etc.)?
– Is your animal bred? (If so when?)
– Why did you choose that male to breed her to?
– What are good breeding characteristics in your animal?
– What is the registration number on your animal?
– What percent protein and fat is your feed?
– Who takes care of your animal when you’re gone?
– Parts of the ruminant digestive system
– Carcass yield percentages
– Meat grades in order of highest to lowest quality
– Expected rate of gainVaccines/necessary supplementation
– Anatomy questions

If you are unable to come up with an answer, be honest. Most showmen will generally say “I don’t know but I would like to learn.”

At Ranch House, we know and love the stock show industry. In fact, many of our employees have kids who are are actively involved in the show world. If you have any questions, we’d be happy to help.

Like this blog? Check out our “Best Show Cattle Names for 2020,” one.

Have you heard of the RHD Showman Bundle? It’s never too early to start branding your junior showman’s operation! This package is only valid for youth showman under age 18 and is greatly discounted because we believe in helping young people get a solid foundation. Learn more here.